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Choose More Data or Pay Less

Choose the BEST Freedom Plan that fits your needs!

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You are just one step away to enjoy More Data or Pay Less. Login to find out more.
When you sign up, your bill cycle will be changed to 1st of the month.


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do I get if I sign up to the Freedom contract plan?

You can choose to get More Data or Monthly Discounts with your Freedom when you sign up to our 24-months contract plan.

2. Are the Freedom contracts plans available for everyone?

The Freedom contract plans are available for Freedom customers who are not subscribed to a contract, whose contract will be expiring soon or has expired. (Applicable for personal accounts only).

3. Is there a minimum contract period?

Yes – the minimum contract period is 24-months.

4. If I sign up to the Freedom contract plans, when will my plan be changed?

Your plan will be changed on your next bill cycle and when you agree to subscribe to the More Data or Pay Less contract plan, your bill cycle will automatically be changed to the 1st of the month.

5. Will I be able to subscribe to the new contract plan while I still have an active contract from the Freedom with Device Bundle?

You can subscribe to the new contract plan while still under an active contract but you will need to pay a penalty fee for the early termination of the contract.

6. Will I be able to upgrade my Freedom plan while I’m still under a Freedom contract plan?

Yes – you can upgrade your plan while you are still under a contract. You will need to pay an additional deposit according to your new Freedom plan.

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