Turn your living room into a digital classroom with our EduPack Plans! Applicable to e-learning applications such as OneDrive, Zoom and Google Drive as well as educational platforms for local institutions such as UBD, UTB, UNISSA, PB, IBTE, ISB and JIS by using your Easi or Mobi service!
This promotion is applicable to both Postpaid and Prepaid customers.
Plan 1
$8 for 5GB with 14 days validity
Plan 2
$16 for 10GB with 30 days validity
Compared to our Pay per use rate and our Add-On Data Package rate, our EduPack Add-On Data Package rate is so much cheaper. Here‘s a quick rundown comparison of our rates;
Pay per use – $0.01/200KB | $50/1GB |
Add on Data Package ($10 |2GB) | $5/GB |
EduPack Add-On Data Package ($16 |10GB) | $1.6/GB |
When you compare the rate of our EduPack Add-On Data Package rate, you can save about 96.8% compared to our Pay per use rate and about 68% compared to our Add-On Data Package rate when you’re using e-learning applications and platforms.
Below is the list of the e-learning applications and platforms that are covered by the EduPack add-on, which are defined and identified by the Ministry of Education (MOE) as of 29th November 2021:
EduPack add on bundles is only applicable to e-learning applications and platforms which are listed by MOE. For any excluded applications or platforms (Social Media, Youtube or others that are not within the EduPack e-learning applications and platform list) will utilize data quota from the other data sources. More details illustrations areas below;
Mobi: Excluded applications or platforms will utilize available data bundle and for subscribers that had fully utilized their data bundle, Mobi pay per use rates will apply. Excluded applications or platforms will experience the reduced speed (Throttled) and for Mobi Unlimited subscribers who had fully utilized their data quota to a reduced speed state.
Easi: Excluded applications or platforms will utilize available add-on data package or Combo add-on and if subscriber does not subscribe to any add-ons, Easi Bonus Credit will utilize. And if subscriber has no Easi Bonus Credit, Excluded App or Platform usage will be charged with Easi pay per use rates to subscriber’s Easi Credit Balance.