Easi Add-Ons

Pick and choose from a variety of add-ons to make the perfect plan!

Short Validity



1 Day



3 Days



7 Days



7 Days

Long Validity



30 Days



30 Days



30 Days



30 Days



30 Days


Easi-on-lightCombo 8

60 mins
60 SMS


Easi-on-lightCombo 22

200 mins
120 SMS


*Data add-ons are for local data usage only.

*Data add-on on purchases cannot be cancelled and are not refundable.

EduPack Addon

Easi-on-lightPlan 1


14 Days

Easi-on-lightPlan 2


30 Days

Click here to learn more about our EduPack AddOn.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I purchase the Easi data add-on packages?

You can purchase the Easi add-on data as you usually do, via MyDST app, mydst.dst.com.bn or simply dial *133#.

2. How do I check my data add-on package balance?

You can check your data add-on package balance via MyDST app, mydst.dst.com.bn or dial *133#.

3. Will I be able to purchase 2 data add-on packages at the same time?

No, you can only purchase one (1) add-on data package at one time. However, you can purchase an add-on data package on top of your active Combo plan add-on package.

4. I am currently subscribed to Combo22 and I just purchased data add-on of 2GB (valid for 3-day). Which data bundle will be utilized first?

The data add-on package with the shorter remaining validity period will be utilized first. In this case, the 2GB with 3-day validity period will be utilized first.

5. If I recently purchased the Easi data add-on package, will I still be able to purchase an Edupack add-on?

Yes, you will still be able to purchase an EduPack add-on package on top of your active Easi add-on data package.

6. Will I be able to cancel my data add-on package subscription?

No, once you have purchased an add-on data package you will not be able to cancel it.

7. Will my data add-on package subscription be renewed automatically?

No, the add-on data package subscription will not be automatically renewed upon its expiry.

8. Will I be able to use my data add-on package if my credit balance is zero?

Yes, you can still use your data add-on package if your credit balance is zero.

9. Will I be able to use my data add-on package after my Easi credit expired?

No, you will need to recharge your Easi to continue using if your add-on data package is still valid.

10. What happens if I do not fully utilise these add-ons quota?

Any unused Service Add-Ons quota will be forfeited (not carried forward) and refunds will not be valid.

11. Will I be notified regarding my add on data package usage/utilization?

Yes, you will be notified via SMS once your add-on has been utilized by 50%, 80%, and when you have fully utilized it (100%).

You can also monitor your data usage via USSD *133# or MyDST app from time to time.